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執筆者の写真Kenny Kaneko

【Road to ICF】Natsumi Day8




I finally made it to Florida. Since it was late last night, I slept in and then headed to the venue. The kids were full of energy from the morning. I’m truly amazed at how much more energetic they are when there’s such an age difference.


The board arrived without any damage during transport, and I was relieved to see it in good condition.


会場に着くと、日本人選手や APP釜山大会で仲良くなった韓国の選手たちと会えて、和やかにおしゃべり。

In the morning, I confirmed my entry and had a photo session for the green screen (the image of myself that will be displayed during the live broadcast when players are introduced). When I arrived at the venue, I was able to meet Japanese players and some Korean players I had become friends with at the APP Busan tournament, and we chatted happily.


I successfully completed all the necessary procedures and then visited the Korean team’s accommodation for lunch.

気さくで優しい @limsujeong_sup , @juye00n , @toonie_diary , @jang__dong__ha とおしゃべりしながらご馳走になりました。国を超えて交流ができるのは本当に嬉しく、貴重な時間です。

I had a lovely time chatting and enjoying a meal with the friendly and kind @limsujeong_sup, @juye00n, @toonie_diary, and @jang__dong__ha. It’s truly wonderful and a precious experience to be able to connect and interact across countries.

一度 KOKUA houseに戻って、少し眠くなってきた私たちは少しお昼寝を。少し目を瞑ってスッキリしたら、また会場へ練習しに戻りました。

We returned to KOKUA House for a bit, and feeling a little sleepy, we took a short nap. After closing our eyes for a little while and feeling refreshed, we headed back to the venue to practice.

Sprint, Technical, Distance3種目とも出場するNariは明日からのスタート。先に発艇装置の確認のためNariが練習。次に私が。1本のボードをシェアしているので、練習時間をずらさなければなりません。

Nari, who will be competing in all three events—Sprint, Technical, and Distance—starts tomorrow. To check the starting device, Nari practiced first, and then it was my turn. Since we're sharing one board, we had to adjust our practice times.


It’s been a while since I’ve used a hard board, and it feels great. I had been practicing on an inflatable board with a higher seating position for a week, so I was able to bend my knees and step firmly on the board. The feeling was really good.

会場のNathan Benderson Parkはボートやカヌーの漕艇場のため、完全なフラット。潮の満ち引きももちろんなく、動かない水辺。風が強く吹いていましたが、完全な正面・真後ろからのアップダウンの風でした。

The venue, Nathan Benderson Park, is a rowing and canoeing course, so the water is completely flat. There are no tidal changes, and the water is calm. Although the wind was strong, it was coming directly from the front and back, creating an up-and-down wind.


The beach start is on a tricky terrain that suddenly becomes very deep. Several competitors ended up hooking their fins and breaking them. I did a few practice runs to get a feel for it. I was confident that if I nailed the start, I could take the first mark.

練習を終えたらもう薄暗くなっていました。帰り際、スーパーマーケットに寄って食材を買い出し、KOKUA houseへ。

By the time I finished practice, it was already getting dark. On the way back, I stopped at the supermarket to buy some ingredients and then headed to KOKUA House.



We cooked dinner and ate together, while some took doping control seminars and others relaxed. Then, we received confirmation that the race would be postponed. It was expected that a storm was approaching, and the races might be delayed by half a day, starting in the afternoon, and that’s exactly what happened. My race was rescheduled to start the day after tomorrow.

帰りの飛行機のチケットや宿、レンタカー、それぞれの変更手続きをしないと…と思いながら、ひとまずドーピング検査の講習を。久しぶりの"お勉強"に瞼がどんどん重くなります。 I knew I had to change my return flight ticket, accommodation, and rental car arrangements, but for now, I attended the doping control seminar. After such a long time, my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier with the 'studying'.


For now, I’ll take a shower and wrap things up at a good stopping point. Tomorrow, it’s uncertain whether I’ll be able to paddle or not, but I’ll do my best with whatever I can.





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