Today is my last day in California.
I ran while imprinting the rising sun from my usual running route into my memory, feeling a deep sense of emotion.

昼にはレンタカーを返さなければならないので、午前中にHuntington harborで最後の練習。4分/1分のメニューで、悔いなくやり切りました。練習中、ひょこ、っとおそらくイルカの背びれが。本番に近いコンディションの最高の環境で、素晴らしい景色の中漕げたこと、本当に幸せでした。
Since I have to return the rental car by noon, I had my final practice at Huntington Harbor in the morning. I completed a 4-minute on, 1-minute off interval session without any regrets. During the session, I spotted what was probably a dolphin fin pop up. It was an amazing environment, with perfect conditions close to race day, and I feel so lucky to have been able to paddle in such a beautiful setting.
I finished my final practice here, saying 'thank you' to this place.

家に戻って、Adamとレンタカーを返しに。その後最後何かしたいことは?と聞かれて、うーんと首を傾げたところ、古着がすきなわたしをヴィンテージショップが並ぶ、Long BeachにあるFourth cstreetへ連れて行ってくれました。持って帰れないのが悔しいけれど、家具や雑貨、古着、レコード…見ているだけでわくわくするお店に片っ端から入って物色。全部連れて帰りたくなるようなものばかり。わたしにとって最高のカリフォルニア観光でした。

After returning home, Adam and I went to drop off the rental car. When he asked if there was anything else I'd like to do, I paused for a moment and then he took me to Fourth Street in Long Beach, where there are lots of vintage shops, knowing how much I love secondhand clothes. It was a little frustrating that I couldn’t take everything home, but I had so much fun browsing through stores filled with furniture 🧸🛋️, vintage clothes 👖, records 💿… It was the kind of place where everything made me want to take it home. That was the best California sightseeing experience for me.
Thank you, Adam.

Back home, we had our final dinner together. Pizza and salad 🍕🥗, and the warm homemade meal from Andrea. Knowing that today marks the end of all the everyday moments made me feel a bit sad, and for some reason, I became shy and couldn’t communicate as well as usual.
明日の乗る飛行機、フロリダについてから車と @nari.sup_canoe たちをピックアップする流れを念入りにチェックして、Adamは自宅へ。何から何までお世話になったAdamと、Adamファミリー。感謝してもしきれません。
I carefully checked the details for tomorrow’s flight, the plan to pick up the car and @nari.sup_canoe once I get to Florida, and then Adam headed home. I can't thank Adam and his family enough for everything they've done for me. I'm truly grateful.

I plan to take the time tomorrow on the plane to reflect on my feelings for them.
Well, tomorrow it's off to Florida. The time difference between California and Florida is 3 hours. The jet lag from Japan to California is gone, but I'll stay up a little late, fighting off sleep, and reflect on the memories as I go.
