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執筆者の写真Kenny Kaneko

【Road to ICF】Natsumi Day6


"Day 6 in California."


The sky at the time when morning and night blend together is so beautiful. Even though I know the camera can't capture it the way I see it, I can't help but stop and take a photo.

すでに現地入りしている選手たちの投稿を見て、レースがすぐそこにある気配を感じます。今日は朝と昼、2部練を。しっかり漕いで、レース1週間前の良い感覚を掴めました。この1週間は普段は漕ぐことのないインフレータブルボードでの練習でしたが、しっかり膝を曲げてボードを踏んで走らせる、下半身の感覚が良くなったと思います。久しぶりの @kokua2020 FLY PRO21に乗るのが楽しみです。

Seeing posts from the athletes who have already arrived, I can really feel the race is just around the corner. Today, I did two training sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I paddled hard and was able to get a good feeling one week before the race. This past week, I’ve been training on an inflatable board, which I don’t usually paddle, but I feel like my lower body control has improved. I’ve gotten better at bending my knees and stepping on the board to make it move. I'm looking forward to riding the @kokua2020 FLY PRO21 again after such a long time!

19日の午前中、ボードをピックアップする予定ですが、実はまだ送り先のTampaにあるFedExの営業所まで届いていません 追跡するとテネシー州メンフィスまで来ているそうですが、到着は私がフロリダに飛ぶ日になる予定。ちゃんと届いてね…

I'm scheduled to pick up the board on the morning of the 19th, but it hasn’t even arrived at the FedEx office in Tampa yet 😂 According to the tracking, it’s currently in Memphis, Tennessee, but it looks like it will arrive on the day I'm flying to Florida. Hopefully, it makes it on time...


Adam, who was in San Diego for work, is back, so we went out for dinner as a family. We realized we haven't had a classic American meal like a burger yet, so we decided to check out a place Adam recommended.


Most stores in the U.S. have stylish and playful displays and decorations, and just looking at them is fun and inspiring. I especially loved how each parking space had its own little message—it was so cute!



I've been moving around a lot today, so I'm a bit tired. Tomorrow is the last day I'll be spending here. I want to fully enjoy every moment and make it into energy for the days ahead.





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