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執筆者の写真Kenny Kaneko

【Road to ICF】Natsumi Day5


I woke up to the sound of strong winds in the morning. I ran towards the blowing wind, through the wetlands, to fully wake myself up.

今日は今年の @vaajapan 全日本選手権にカリフォルニアから参加していたひさのさん @h.a.tasedan に誘ってもらい、6manを漕ぎにNewport Beachへ。

Today, I was invited by Hisano-san (@h.a.tasedan), who participated in this year's @vaajapan All Japan Championship from California, to paddle 6-man at Newport Beach.


The wind, which had been blowing since last night, grew even stronger as the sun rose. Offshore, the wind exceeded 14m/s, and we had originally planned to paddle out to the open sea, but due to the dangerous conditions, we decided to stay inside the harbor and paddle about 10km. While the harbor had strong winds, the sea surface was calm, the conditions outside, however, were even more intense than the ISA qualifiers in South Izu last year 🌪️🌊.

クルーの中には83歳のおじいちゃんが わたしもこうしておばあちゃんになってもずっと漕いでたいなぁ。 みんな和気藹々としていて、言ってることはほとんど分からないけれど、その雰囲気で漕ぐことに癒されました。ひさのさん、誘ってくれてありがとう


Among the crew, there was an 83-year-old grandfather 😳. I hope that, even when I’m a grandmother, I can keep paddling like this. Everyone was so friendly, and even though I couldn’t understand most of what they were saying, I felt healed by the atmosphere as we paddled together. Hisano-san, thank you for inviting me 🙏🏾.

After paddling, we had an early breakfast together and talked about various things related to paddling. It had been a while since I had a conversation in Japanese. It’s so much more comfortable to communicate in a language where I can express myself clearly and smoothly.

英語を話せるって必要だなぁ、と改めて感じました。いつも同じことを感じても、結局後回しになっているので ここに記しておきます。笑

I’ve come to realize once again how important it is to be able to speak English. I always feel this way, but somehow it gets pushed aside in the end, so I’m jotting it down here. Haha.


In the afternoon, I went out with Andrea. We picked up a few things we needed, did some window shopping, and had a great time chatting. She always enjoys every moment of life, and just being with her is a valuable learning experience. I can really feel that she tries to understand with her heart, not just with words.

ところで、By the way,


The reason I paddle SUP right now ultimately comes down to "training" to get faster. Of course, there are beautiful views and unique ways to enjoy being by the water that you can only experience on a SUP, and competing is definitely fun too. But I've realized that what truly makes paddling meaningful isn’t just about speed or being able to paddle in extreme conditions. It’s about the joy of connecting with the Earth through the paddle, the healing it brings to myself and everything around me, and the way it becomes a form of prayer. That’s the true reason I paddle.


Right now, the number one priority in my life—paddling—is about challenging myself and others, fighting through moments of endurance, overcoming pain, and growing, while also being about harmony and prayer. I’m fortunate that, in paddling, I don’t experience separation between these two aspects. As soon as I pick up my paddle and set off, I can receive both.


Today is the full moon. I truly feel that there is great significance in迎 the change of tides at this place.


Before a race, I used to think it was normal to feel anxiety, limitations, craving, nervousness, excitement, and a competitive spirit. But now, everything feels truly calm. And I don’t feel the need to judge whether that is a good thing or a bad thing at this moment.


"Tomorrow, I’ll paddle more. "I’m going to bed with that simple feeling in my heart.





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