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執筆者の写真Kenny Kaneko

【Road to ICF】Natsumi Day4

A.M. 3:00


3:00 A.M.

Perhaps due to the tension from driving, I woke up earlier than the alarm set for 4:00 A.M.


今日は @dannyching404

 がKings Harborで開催しているカヌーのセッションへ。

It was so cold that I wore wet pants and a jacket for the first time in a while.Today, I’m attending a canoe session hosted by @dannyching404 at Kings Harbor.

Kings Harborは家から車で40分ほど。念のため、1時間前に家を出ました。初めてのアメリカでのハイウェイドライブ。しかもまだ真っ暗。アメリカは右側通行なので、追越車線は左側。安全に安全に…と1番右側で走ったら出口に吸い込まれること計2回。早めに家を出てよかった、とホッとしつつ、遠回りを重ねて無事ハーバーに到着。

Kings Harbor is about a 40-minute drive from home. Just to be safe, I left the house an hour early. It was my first time driving on the highway in the U.S., and it was still pitch dark. Since the U.S. drives on the right side, the passing lane is on the left. I drove on the far right to be cautious, but twice I ended up being pulled onto an exit. I was relieved I left early, and after taking a few detours, I finally arrived at the harbor safely.


When I arrived and parked the car, there were already many paddlers in the dark, rigging their canoes. A few people had headlamps on.

そこにはSUPレースをしていたら知らない人はいないであろう、 @dannyching404 が私が使うカヌーを用意してくれていました。

There, @dannyching404, who is someone you’d likely know if you've ever participated in an SUP race, had prepared the canoe I would be using.


I was told the plan: "We’ll split into 4 groups, and when it's your group’s turn, you’ll paddle for 4 minutes." Then, we headed to the sea. It seems like the slower paddlers go first. I’m in group 2.


At 6:00, with a windless sea that was as smooth as a mirror and the first signs of the sun starting to appear, the session began.

4分レースペース/1分の休憩8セット。シンプルなメニューでしたが、ざっと30名を超えるであろうOC1, V1, サーフスキーたちが一斉に漕ぐのは壮観で興奮しました。

The session was a simple set: 4 minutes of racing pace followed by 1 minute of rest, repeated for 8 sets. With over 30 paddlers, including OC1, V1, and surfskis, all paddling at once, it was a spectacular sight that got me excited.


I didn’t have the chance to take any photos, but paddling through a sunrise with a gradient of colors I had never seen before was an indescribably amazing feeling.

間近でDannyの漕ぎが見れたのも大きな収穫。こうして滅多なことではできない経験をさせてもらえている環境と、今回Dannyとこのセッションに繋いでくれた @kenny_kaneko に改めて感謝です。

Another big takeaway was getting to see Danny's paddling up close. I’m truly grateful for being in an environment where I can have such rare experiences, and I’d like to thank @kenny_kaneko once again for connecting me with Danny and this session.



By the time we finished the 8th set and returned to the harbor, everyone smoothly packed up their canoes and went back to their daily routines. Danny himself hurried off to pick up his kids, as he had to take them somewhere.


It was amazing to see so many paddlers naturally starting to paddle before dawn, and after finishing, heading off to their respective jobs, schools, household chores, or childcare. The way paddling is such an effortless part of their lives, without any pretension or fuss, was truly inspiring and rich in its simplicity.

私の働くPADDLER @paddler_official がサンライズセッションを毎週木曜日6:00- 開催していますが、それがさらに大きくなった光景を想像して、ワクワクしました。年中できるようになったらいいな。12月に新店舗オープンを控えるPADDLER。1月には艇庫もオープン。毎週木曜日と言わず、他の日はもちろん、カヌーのセッションの日もあるといい。

The paddling community I work with, @paddler_official, holds a sunrise session every Thursday at 6:00 AM, and imagining that scene growing even larger got me excited. I hope we can make it happen year-round. PADDLER is set to open a new store in December, and the boathouse will open in January. I’d love to see not just Thursdays, but other days as well, with canoe sessions added to the mix.


I would be happy if more people understood that paddling is not something that requires sacrificing other things, nor just an event, but rather something that naturally enriches daily life.

明日はNew Port Beachで6manのセッションに参加してきます。

Tomorrow, I'll be joining a 6-man session at Newport Beach.


Although this trip to California was decided on short notice, I feel fortunate to be able to connect with people through paddling and to continue gaining valuable experiences. I'm truly grateful for it.


In the afternoon, Adam's mom, Andrea, took me out for a bit of shopping. She also let me join her yoga class remotely, which she attends regularly.

"知恵と慈悲のこころはただ今ここに在るためだけに使われるべき" と印象的な言葉ももらえました。

I was also given the memorable words, "The heart of wisdom and compassion should be used only for the sake of the present moment."


The word "endearing," which Andrea taught me today, meaning "making you feel affectionate," really resonated with me as a way to express the feeling and emotion I have from the connections I'm making with people here. It’s been through the language barrier that I've discovered so many things since coming here.



一つ不安なのは、送ったボードが今日到着予定のTampa Airportにまだ届いていないことでしょうか。

It’s been four days since I left Japan.

To the me who was filled with anxiety, I want to say, "It’s going to be okay, because you’ll have the best experiences."

The one thing I’m still worried about is that the board I sent hasn’t arrived at Tampa Airport, where it’s supposed to be delivered today.


I’m trusting it will be there by tomorrow... 🙏🏾





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